At The Bedford College Group we work hard to get you involved.
Being a Student Ambassador can open up doors that can lead to lots of exciting and rewarding opportunities.
It’s mainly a voluntary position and involves you giving up a little of your time to represent and take part in college life. There may also be, from time to time, opportunities to be paid for the time you give.
What’s in it for me?
More and more employers, universities and colleges are looking for the qualities and experiences that make you stand out from the crowd. Becoming an Ambassador will do just that.
Not only will you meet new people, make new friends and experience new things, but you will develop a number of transferable employability skills that you can use in your career or to get a place at university. These will be identified and presented to you on a certificate of achievement and look great on a CV or job application. We will also provide you with any training or support you need to undertake. Oh, and you also get a free t-shirt too!
What are we looking for?
We are looking for passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic students who enjoy what they do at college or can see ways of making things better.
Ambassadors need to be friendly and polite and have a welcoming manner. You will be provided with a t-shirt and given any information that you might need to undertake the role. If you would like to find out more or like the look of any of the opportunities listed below, don’t hesitate to contact us!
For more information?
Please contact your campuses LIVE Team.

The Big Vote
The Big Vote
Student Elections for Governors & Presidents.
22nd April – 3rd May – Registrations Open
6th -10th May – Interviews with candidates
13th-17th May – Campaigning
20-24th May – The Big Vote